Jen Psaki And Fox’s Peter Doocy Have An Epic Exchange During Latest Presser Over Psaki’s Upcoming Departure And We Didn’t See This Coming

We're going to miss her!

631 points

As we’re all heartbrokenly aware by now, our beloved White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is leaving her position. We’ve known it was coming from the very beginning and we have the utmost faith in her successor, Karine Jean-Pierre, who will serve as this country’s very first Black and openly gay press secretary.

But boy, will we be sad to see Psaki’s grace, poise, and fiery persona moving on from that White House Press briefing room.

Yesterday, in the wake of the official news that she was moving on and her replacement has been appointed, none other than the Fox reporter who shares a notorious love/hate relationship with Jen attempted to express his supposed sadness to see her leaving the respected White House position.

But in the fiercest and most hilarious of true Jen Psaki style, the outgoing Biden White House press secretary called him on his shit — right there in front of God and everybody.

During her White House press briefing yesterday, Psaki called on Fox’s Peter Doocy, who she’s regularly sparred with in a rather hilarious and mutual love-to-hate manner since she first took the job.

Before beginning his question, Doocy told Jen, “Sorry to see you go.”

Immediately, Jen shot back in a way only she truly can, furrowing her eyebrows with a slight grin and asking the Fox talking head, “Are you?”

As you can imagine, Paski’s picture-perfect comeback sent the whole room howling in laughter:

Even Peter seemed to get a kick out of it, raising his pen in the air in a “you got me there” sort of fashion.

“Yes,” he answered, “and you’ve always been a good sport,” before thanking her “on behalf of everybody.”

Twitters response to the little back and forth was spot on:

Man, we’re going to miss her!

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