Jim Jordan Says The Quiet Part Loud, Encourages GOP Candidates Not To “Shy Away” From Banning Women’s Rights: “Lean Into It!”

No shame.

618 points

If Ohio Republican House Rep. Jim Jordan was even remotely trying to hide his garbage morals and principles before, you can bet your bottom dollar he’s thrown caution entirely to the wind now, because he’s out here screaming the quiet part from the rooftops as he openly encourages Republican candidates in the upcoming election to not “shy away” from banning women’s rights in the US. In fact, he wants them to “Lean into it!”

Jordan’s stomach-churning, infuriating remarks came during his recent appearance on Fox News, because where else would you expect something like this to come from, where the host of the segment questioned the Republican House rep. as to how he thought GOP candidates should handle the “messaging” surrounding the Supreme Court’s recent controversial move to overturn Roe V. Wade and completely dismantle federal protections for women’s and uterus owners’ basic reproductive healthcare rights. This comes as some reports have indicated that many Republican candidates have been hiding their true rigid beliefs regarding abortion in an effort to more easily secure their election wins, before further dismantling reproductive rights from inside Congress.

But Jim Jordan says they should be loud and proud about it.

“Lean into it!” Jordan exclaimed in the segment when addressing his advice for Republican candidates. “We’re the pro-life party. We’re going to protect the sanctity of human life and Democrats have the radical position! They’re the ones that think that you should be able to take the unborn child’s life right up until their birthday, for goodness sake!”

“That is frightening, so lean into it!” the GOP lawmaker who’s had his own fair share of scandal went on to double down. “We’re the party that’s going to protect the sanctity of human life like we’ve always been. This was a huge win for the precious nature of human life and I don’t think we should shy away from it.”

We’ve reached a point where these people don’t even try to hide their disgusting behaviors anymore, and we have Donald Trump to thank for a lot of that.

Make no mistake, people, if your body came “factory” with a vagina and/or uterus, the Republicans are gunning harder than ever for your basic human rights.

Watch the clip of Jim Jordan’s remarks on Fox here:

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