Judge Releases Portion Of Trump’s Video Deposition In E. Jean Carroll Assault Case, And It’s No Wonder He Didn’t Want It To Go Public

This might genuinely be the worst thing he's ever said.

626 points

It’s not often any more than Donald J. Trump says something that truly shocks the “other side.” We’ve had to watch as he’s said and done so many atrocious, horrifying things that, frankly, the shock factor has all but worn off at this point.

We’re often disgusted, sickened, sometimes even terrified, but it’s hard to truly find ourselves shocked by something that comes out of that man’s mouth these days.

But this one did it…

The disgraced former president is once again on the chopping block in a newly-filed lawsuit by his alleged rape victim, world-renowned advice columnist E. Jean Carroll, who lodged a lawsuit against Donald Trump late last year under New York’s law that permits sexual assault victims to sue their attackers, even years later.

Carroll went public in 2019 with allegations that Donald Trump raped her in the dressing room of the Manhattan department store, Bergdorf Goodman, in the mid-1990s. The American writer currently has two pending cases against the former president, the aforementioned lawsuit over the sexual assault itself, and a defamation suit against Trump for public comments he made about her in connection to the rape allegations.

Trump has relied heavily on the same defense he always uses in cases like these, vehemently asserting that he doesn’t even know Carroll, despite photographic evidence that proves otherwise.

Trump sat for a video deposition in the sexual assault case back in October, and he and his legal team fought tooth and nail to keep previously redacted portions of that deposition under seal.

They lost that fight.

Last last week, Judge Kaplan ordered the public release of portions of Donald Trump’s sworn deposition — suffice it to say, it’s pretty clear why Donald Trump did not want this to go public.

Every last second of Trump’s deposition was just as vile, disgusting, and nauseating as you would expect, with the ex-president even going so far as to claim that Carroll “loves” being raped and thinks it’s “sexy” — this was a result of the former president twisting Carroll’s previous words, in which she said she preferred to refer to what Trump did to her as a “fight” rather than “rape,” because she feels that the word “has so many sexual connotations” and is a “fantasy” for so many people in this day and age.

That alone is enough to make any person’s stomach churn. However, there was one portion of his deposition, in particular, that truly and genuinely left us shocked.

Much to Donald’s dismay, the infamous Access Hollywood tape was allowed as evidence against him in Carroll’s sexual assault trial, establishing a pattern of Donald Trump’s belief that he can, and will, take what he wants from women, when he wants it, due only to his status and clout as a “star.”

At one point in the deposition, Carroll’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan, began to question him about that infamous, damning recording, quoting his own words back to him about “grabbing” women by their genitals.

Trump responded with one of, if not the worst thing we have ever heard him say:

TRUMP: Well, historically, that’s true with stars.

KAPLAN: It’s true with stars that they can grab women by the p*ssy?

TRUMP: Well, that’s… What… If you look over the last million years, I guess that’s been largely true. Not always, but largely true. Unfortunately… Or fortunately…

KAPLAN: Do you consider yourself to be a star?

TRUMP: I think you can say that, yea.

It’s not the fact that Trump believes he’s a star, or even that he’s casually excusing sexual assault as one of those things that are just a normal, widely accepted, ages-old tradition. It’s the fact that he said “fortunately.” The man finds it fortunate that “famous” men are almost always in a position of power that allows them to sexually assault and rape women without recourse.

That’s not a Freudian slip. That’s Trump screaming the quiet part from the rooftop.

See the clip of the deposition here:

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
