Local News Interview Explodes As Incoherent Trump Wanders Into Clip, Reporter’s Response Is Brilliant

I cannot think of anything more humiliating for Trump than this moment.

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Donald Trump is barely keeping it together and that’s becoming blindingly obvious whenever he is alongside other people.

America has been calling for Trump to be mentally and physically examined (by a real doctor) for a while due to his slurred speech and tendency to look “out of it” and wander off in meetings. As we saw in recent summits, Trump was the only world leader that showed up significantly late to several meetings, causing disrespectful interruptions and clearly blowing off his presidential responsibilities.

If we look at Trump’s behavior throughout his presidency, we shouldn’t be surprised. Another instance in which Trump’s mental and physical fitness for office was questionable dates back to last year and was reported by Rachel Maddow.

In September 2017, Trump pretty much ruined a local news segment in Michigan when he made an impromptu campaign stop and had no idea why he was even there. He pretty much just wandered onto the set and the poor interviewer had to clue him in about what was going on. Trump looked like he wasn’t even present and the entire interview was a huge embarrassment. The reporter knew exactly what was going on and she took the opportunity to expose him as the fool he is. You can watch that brilliant moment below:

And let’s not forget one of Trump’s most incoherent moments, when a glassy-eyed Trump was captured wandering away from a meeting for seemingly no reason at all last year, looking completely lost. Trump had been meeting with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu when he suddenly left Netanyahu’s side, leaving the Prime Minister and all the surrounding staff shocked and confused.

In the clip, you can hear Trump’s staff freaking out as they try to stop him and bring him back. As PoliticusUSA accurately reported, “The President Of The United States looks like the lights are on, but no one is home.”

The far-away look in Trump’s eyes is unsettling, to say the least. While most of us like nothing more than to poke fun at Trump and his foolishness, this clip actually looks like there is clearly something wrong with Trump’s health and he needs professional attention. Is he perhaps suffering from a mental break? Or could it be exhaustion? Either way, Trump looks like he doesn’t even know what he’s doing as he roams around.

You can watch the concerning footage below:

In these videos, Trump hardly looks like he’s capable of carrying out this simple meeting and is completely mentally checked out. After watching this footage, we must seriously question if Trump is mentally and physically capable of leading a country, or if it is even healthy and safe for him to do so, for his own sake.

Featured image via screen capture
