Major Fast Food Chain Brilliantly Trolls Trump On Twitter, Calls Him Out For Being Illiterate

Donald Trump serves up disappointment.

577 points

Donald Trump has done plenty of ignorant, insensitive, and downright stupid things during the course of his presidency so far. But perhaps one of the biggest idiotic stunts he’s pulled was the Burger King debacle — when he not only served Burger King and other various fast foods to the NCAA football national champions, the Clemson Tigers, amid his government shutdown, but he was super-colossally proud himself for it.

Of course, Twitter and the rest of the collective public dragged his ass for it, and rightly so. Trump himself actually owns a nice, fancy restaurant. There was absolutely no reason for NCAA champions to be eating cold disappointment out of cardboard take-out boxes. Not to mention, the cheap ass didn’t even spring for fries.

It was bad enough that he was pulling such a gross, food-poisoning-inducing, and downright “yee-haw” publicity stunt — but it made it even worse because he wouldn’t shut up about it. In true Trump fashion, he hit Twitter about his stunt before the Big Macs even hit the table. And while he ended up his deleting his original Tweet, it has forever been encapsulated in screenshots and will most likely make its way into our children’s history books under the “stupidity” section:

“Great being with the National Champion Clemson Tigers last night at the White House. Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of fast food (I paid), over 1000 hamberders etc. Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!”

It looks like Trump got a wee bit too excited about the prospect of a good Happy Meal and sent out his tweet without running it through his trusty dusty spellchecker first.

The BEST part of it all is the fact that Burger King noticed his little screw up in the midst of his excitement:

While we’re sure Burger King’s “hamberders” are back in stock by now, we bet it was a pretty rough few days.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery 
