Marjorie Taylor Greene Just Called For VP Kamala Harris To Be Impeached And Americans Can’t Hide Their Disgust

What a clown.

600 points

Controversial Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene must have too much time on her hands after being stripped of her committee assignments for supporting violence against Democrats. The Jewish Space Lasers conspiracy theorist wants President Joe Biden impeached, and she wants our nation’s top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauic to be fired amid the raging pandemic. Now she wants Vice President Kamala Harris impeached. That’s quite a to-do list.

Rep. Marjorie Three Names (R-GA) spoke about what has been unfolding in Afghanistan. Somehow, the Georiga Republican thinks that Vice President Kamala Harris should be impeached for not traveling to Kabul while evacuations are underway for Americans in the region and at-risk Afghans.

“For her to not speak out about this, for her not to fly over to Afghanistan to the Kabul airport is disgraceful and unforgivable. She should be impeached as well,” Greene said. “All of them are complicit in this. And they knew. They knew.”


Greene tweeted out something similar but about impeaching President Biden.

Twitter users weren’t having it.

She’s just another example of an elected official trying to get air time in the news while not doing her job.

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