Marjorie Taylor Greene Told Us She’s “Happy To Be The Face Of The American People” And We Can’t Stop Laughing

Yeaaaaa. No.

604 points

The GOP’s biggest stooge, Georgia House Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, had us all howling in laughter at her absolute audacity and level of undeserved self-importance during her appearance on Steve Bannon’s Real American Voice podcast, War Room. 

Of course, Greene is perhaps the most loathed Congressmember to walk the face of the earth these days. Seriously, people love to hate her, what with all the Holocaust comparisons, batshit crazy conspiracy theories, and her overall loud mouth and low IQ. But somehow, Marje never seems to catch on to the fact that she’s just not well-loved.

In fact, Marjorie seems to think she’s some sort of an American hero — the martyr who “hates politics” but sacrifices her own happiness for the American people. When, in all reality, we really wish she’d just go jump in a hole somewhere.

But nevertheless, Marje pats herself on the back every chance she gets, and today’s War Room appearance was no exception to that rule.

Speaking on the Right-wing podcast with the recently indicted Trump ally, Marjorie seemed to imply that, through her work in Congress, she alone serves as the “face of the American people.”

“It’s the American people that matter, and I’m happy to be the face of the American people,” Marjorie proudly declared. “I’m happy to continue to come up to Washington D.C and tell this town and the people here exactly how real people feel.”

Actual American people didn’t take so well to Marjorie’s generalization:

We’ve seen your face, Marje. Nobody wants that atrocity speaking for them.

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