‘Misogynistic’ Vance Responds To Kamala Interview By Posting Beauty Pageant Video

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JD Vance, Donald Trump’s controversial running mate for the 2024 election, continues to spiral in the polls, and his recent antics suggest he knows it. In a desperate attempt to remain relevant, Vance posted a video on social media that purported to be a “full Kamala Harris CNN interview,” but instead featured the infamous Miss South Carolina pageant gaffe from 2007. This move, intended to mock Vice President Harris, only highlights how out of touch and ineffective Vance has become as a candidate.

Vance’s popularity has been on a steep decline ever since he was selected as Trump’s vice-presidential pick. According to recent polling data, Vance is deeply unpopular, with only 29% of Americans viewing him favorably, compared to 45% who view him unfavorably. This negative sentiment is particularly strong among Democrats and independents, where a significant majority see him in a negative light. Even among Republicans, his support is shaky, with non-MAGA Republicans showing only tepid approval​.

What makes Vance’s latest stunt so pathetic is not just the lack of originality or wit, but the fact that it comes at a time when he should be focusing on repairing his damaged image. His attempts to mock Kamala Harris—a politician who, despite her own challenges, is currently enjoying a surge in favorable ratings—only serve to underscore his own inadequacies​.  Vance’s social media post is a clear sign that he is more interested in scoring cheap points than addressing the serious issues facing the country.

How People Are Responding To It

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Vance’s downfall in public opinion can be traced back to several key moments where he has displayed poor judgment and a lack of empathy. For instance, his insensitive comments about Americans without children, whom he suggested should have fewer voting rights, sparked outrage across the political spectrum. Additionally, his remarks about staying in violent marriages and his opposition to the Affordable Care Act, which would allow insurance companies to discriminate against those with pre-existing conditions, have only further alienated voters.

Rumors have been circulating that even Donald Trump is beginning to regret his choice of Vance as a running mate. Trump, who has always prided himself on making winning moves, may be rethinking his decision as Vance continues to perform poorly, especially in critical Midwestern states. These states are essential for a Republican victory, yet Vance’s lackluster appeal and growing unpopularity are putting the campaign at risk​.

This latest attempt to deflect attention from his failing campaign by attacking Kamala Harris is not just low-class—it’s a sign of desperation. While Harris has faced her own share of criticism, she has managed to maintain a message of optimism and hope, something that has resonated with a broad swath of the electorate. In contrast, Vance’s negative tactics and inability to connect with voters highlight just how poorly suited he is for national office.

What’s particularly troubling is that Vance’s strategy seems to be alienating voters rather than bringing them into the fold. In a time when the country is deeply divided, a candidate who can offer a unifying message and connect with everyday Americans is more crucial than ever. Instead, Vance’s campaign has been marked by controversy, divisiveness, and a lack of clear vision—all qualities that are reflected in his dismal polling numbers.

In conclusion, JD Vance’s recent social media post is just the latest in a series of missteps that have plagued his vice-presidential campaign. Instead of elevating the discourse or addressing the issues that matter to voters, Vance has chosen to engage in petty attacks that do nothing to improve his standing. As his unfavorable ratings continue to climb and Trump reportedly regrets his decision, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Vance is not the candidate the Republican ticket needs—nor the one the American people deserve.

Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here: https://x.com/SheilaGouldman
