New Book Seems To Reveal The Celebrity Crush That Trump Never Could Quite Get Over And It’s Not Who We Expected

Well, this certainly came out of left field.

604 points

According to Variety co-editor-in-chief Ramin Setoodeh’s new upcoming, bombshell book —Apprentice in Wonderland — Donald Trump had a particularly intense crush on one celebrity that he still can’t quite seem to get over, and, to be frank, we didn’t see this one coming.

The Daily Mail has published telling new excerpts of Setoodeh’s upcoming opus that sheds new light on the scandal-plagued and felony-convicted ex-president’s celebrity crush on Will & Grace star Debra Messing — who, in case you didn’t know, isn’t a huge fan of the disgraced 2024 Republican frontrunner.

Setoodeh extensively interviewed Donald Trump multiple times in both 2021 and 2023 for his new tell-all book about the former president’s infamous reality TV show, and he says that Donald frequently brought up the actress and devout Democratic activist.

“Trump brings up Messing again,” Setoodeh wrote. “He confirms something that he’d only dropped hints about in our last meeting. During the early years of The Apprentice, Trump even had a crush on Will & Grace’s leading lady. Maybe that’s why he can’t quite shake the bitterness that now exists between them.”

“A former president who can’t win over a star almost sounds like the premise of a corny romantic comedy, but for Trump, Messing’s rejection is still a sharp dagger to his heart,” the author goes on to add. “‘This Debra Messing, who I always thought was quite attractive — not that it matters, of course…’ Their squabbles on social media continue to live rent-free in his mind. ‘Debra Messing was so thankful,’ he says. ‘And then I watch her today, and it’s like she’s a raving mess.'”

It’s pretty clear that, like many things in Trump’s life, the scandal-ridden former president attempts to act as though he’s entirely and completely unbothered, yet he’s kept awake at night over thoughts of the beautiful woman who not only refused to requite his love and admiration for her, but openly hates his guts.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
