New Poll Brings Devastating News To Trump, POTUS Losing Core Fanbase Fast

This can't be good for Trump!

569 points

Donald Trump has refused to believe the evidence behind any poll so far during his presidency, but he really might want to pay attention to this one. While Trump has continued to get away with his nonsense because he believes his deranged fanbase will defend him no matter what, a new poll has just revealed that even Trump’s core audience is getting tired of not having a real president and are horrified by what they’ve seen over the last few weeks.

It turns out that Trump’s insane tweets, erratic behavior, and inflexibility on his pathetic border wall are turning his audience off and many aren’t sure if they’d vote for him again in 2020. An analysis of VoteCast, a nationwide poll that surveyed over 100,000 midterm voters, revealed that 18 percent of voters are only “somewhat” approving of Trump, and signal that many issues that he’s currently failing on such as immigration, healthcare, gun control, and climate change will have a major influence in 2020. Even worse, many of those voters actually voted for House Democrats in the midterms.

These “somewhat voters” are very critical of Trump’s temperament and lies. In interviews with those surveyed, one Trump voter spoke up about Trump’s ridiculous caravan rhetoric:

How he presents himself is the biggest issue. I understand what he’s going for — trying to keep out criminal activity. However, I think he could do much better in showing concern for these people, offering short-term help.”

While many of these voters are thinking about supporting someone else in 2020, some aren’t quite ready to abandon the GOP — but they ARE visibly unhappy with the president. One voter said:

He’s supposed to represent the country and the people who don’t like him. He doesn’t. He prefers to play in the dirt.”

Here’s a graphic, thanks to the Associated Press, about the breakdown of these voters:

If Trump doesn’t start playing to these voters, he’s going to lose a good part of his audience.

Featured image via screen capture
