New York AG Is Dismantling Donald Trump’s Life, Confirmed In Brutal Court Filing She Plans To Put The Trumps On Trial Very Soon

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There is certainly no denying that life, in general, hasn’t been going well for scandal-ridden ex-President Donald Trump here lately. In fact, since pretty much the moment he left office (and, by default, the protections that come with the office of the United States president) Trump has been hammered with an onslaught of seemingly neverending lawsuits, losses, and investigations — all of which seems to increase exponentially with each passing day at this point.

It’s become almost customary, perhaps even mundane for the former guy now, I would imagine, as I’m sure he’s beginning to grow a bit numb to it all.

But, I can almost guarantee you that this news sent him into a tailspin and effectively served to ruin his life, at least for a while.

In a bombshell court filing recently submitted by the New York Attorney General, Letitia James confirmed her intention to begin court hearings in her recently-announced civil lawsuit against Donald Trump, his family company, the Trump Organization, and his eldest three children, as early as 2023 — effectively meaning that the Trumps could be put on public trial in just a few short months, according to reporting from The Daily Beast. 

Assistant Attorney General Kevin Wallace wrote in the bombshell filing:

OAG intends to seek an expedited preliminary conference to set a trial date before the end of 2023. Allowing for an expedited trial schedule on an enforcement proceeding after extensive litigation over subpoena enforcement is precisely the circumstance that warrants keeping this case before Justice Engoron in the interests of judicial economy.”

Trump and his family have spent literal years now making numerous desperate attempts to staunch or even slow James’ brutal investigation into the family and their company. However, Letitia James has shown absolutely no signs of stopping, after she recently announced her explosive $250 million civil suit against the Trump Organization.

James’ case is a civil trial, so no criminal charges or indictments will result from it when it’s all said and done. However, the brutal lawsuit could serve as a fatal hit to whatever future political ambitions that Trump and his family have left.

According to reporting from The Beast, James’ lawsuit seeks to “strip the Trump Organization of its business credentials and bar it from borrowing money from any bank in New York—arguably the financial capital of the world. On top of that, a $250 million verdict against the company and its top officers could severely harm Trump’s finances and choke off the very corporation that propelled him into national stardom.”

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Assistant AG Wallace argued in his court filing that since the civil lawsuit case involves “allegations of an ongoing scheme and conspiracy to obtain millions of dollars through fraudulent activity, and that defendants repeatedly have sought to delay the conclusion of OAG’s investigation, it is imperative that this case proceed quickly.”

I can only imagine Truth Social is on fire right about now.

Read the full report from The Daily Beast here.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
