Photos Show Trump With Female Superfan And We Just All Lost Our Lunch


563 points

Allow me to preface the below article with you’re one and only forewarning: If you’ve recently had your lunch, or Hell, even a decent-sized snack, I suggest you come back to this later, when you’re stomach is less full and you have a little less hope for life. Because what you’re about to bear witness to is more than the strongest, most ironclad stomach can truly handle.

The ever-popular PatriotTakes Twitter account has blessed us with the content for quite a lot of reporting over the years. Not to be dramatic, but those folks are truly out here doing the Lord’s work on the Left. We commend them.

But this one… This one, they really could have — nay, should have — just skipped entirely.

Disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached ex-President Donald Trump has become pretty notorious for cuddling up with the ladies at his Palm Beach, FL, Mar-a-Lago home/resort, especially since he flew down south like a pathetic, humiliated little bird after his brutal 2020 election loss.

But these… Unfortunate new photos taking “cuddling up” to an extreme that literally no one asked to bear witness to.

PatriotTakes took to their Twitter account today with 4 new Mar-a-Lago photos that we frankly did not consent to laying eyes on, and they’ve got our stomachs lurching and our lunches churning in the literal worst kind of way.

See for yourself, but remember, I warned you:

Girlfriend’s got those kidneys of hers on full display and is clinging to those wide load Trump “love handles” like her literal life depends on it.

Social media users had the same visceral reaction to that documented shitshow as I’m sure you just did:

The worst part here isn’t even Trump himself. It’s the fact that there’s a real human being out there who is this disgusting obsessed with this tub of lard we were forced to call a president for four years.

