Pope Francis Brutally Condemns Trump’s Treatment Of Migrants With One Brilliant Statement

How can any Christian justify supporting Trump now?

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There has never been a religious figure that was forced to condemn a president so harshly until Donald Trump came along. Despite how supported the president is by far-right religious crowds, most of what The Donald does goes against everything Christianity teaches — forcing Pope Francis to speak out against the president in an unprecedented way.

On Sunday, the Pope once again condemned Trump and his disgusting, inhumane behavior. Today, the Pope went after Trump’s promotion of wealth inequality and his horrendous treatment of migrants, stating that the world should not turn its backs on those “tossed by the waves of life.” During a Mass for the Roman Catholic Church’s annual World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis made one brilliant statement that points out that Trump is the wrong champion for anyone who cares about the principles of Christianity:

Injustice is the perverse root of poverty. The cry of the poor daily becomes stronger but heard less, drowned out by the din of the rich few, who grow ever fewer and more rich.”

The pontiff also voiced his support for migrants loud and clear, stating that we should not ignore “all those forced to flee their homes and native land for an uncertain future.”

Just days before Pope Francis made these remarks, Trump was once again fearmongering about the caravan.

Meanwhile, hundreds of migrants have recently been denied entry to the United States and are stalled at the U.S.–Mexico border.

Pope Francis is a major threat to the president — because many of the president’s supporters consider themselves very religious. As Pope Francis uncovers Trump’s true motives, the reality of the president’s immoral behavior will be impossible to ignore.

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