Report Claims Trump Privately Supported Kemp’s Plan To Reopen GA Before Publicly Throwing Him Under The Bus After Speaking To Experts

He barely knows which way is up.

626 points

Donald Trump has spent the last couple of Coronavirus Task Force briefings disparaging Georgia Governor Brian Kemp for his decision to reopen a slew of businesses as the country continues to try to combat the massive outbreak of coronavirus — saying he “strongly disagreed” and “wasn’t at all happy” with the governor’s plan.

However, a new report from the Associated Pressin which reporters spoke with two administration officials, reveals that Donald was initially gung-ho with Kemp’s plan to kick his state back into business as usual and even called him up to praise him for it the day before tossing him to the wolves in public and igniting yet another feud between himself and America’s governors.

The source, who chose to remain anonymous when speaking to the AP, said that it was only upon Trump’s conversation with health officials on his Coronavirus Task Force, including Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci, regarding Kemp’s plan that he flipped the switch and began to denounce the widespread reopening.

The source went on to reveal that Trump had more than one conversation with the Georgia governor regarding his state’s reopening plan and both the president and the vice president, Mike Pence, had called to sing their praises.

The anonymous official claims that Trump called Kemp after his conversation with the experts and tried to get him to backtrack his plan to reopen Georgia, but the source says Kemp wasn’t having any part of it.

The source said that Kemp suggested that he and Trump revisit the issue on a separate call at another time, but evidently Donald never reconnected with the governor before disparaging him to the public later on the very same day.

“I told the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, that I disagree strongly with his decision to open certain facilities,” Trump said of Kemp and his plan on Wednesday. “He knows what’s he’s doing.”

Trump then doubled down on Kemp again during yesterday’s briefing, stating, “I wasn’t happy with Brian Kemp — I wasn’t at all happy.”

Despite Trump’s backtracking against the GA Governor, citizens of the state continue to show quite a bit of support for Kemp’s plan to reopen, according to a report from Julie Gerstein with Business Insider.

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