Reports From Inside The White House Claim Trump Is “Pissed” At Jared Kushner For His Response To COVID-19

It's everyone's fault but his own, right?

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As Trump delivered the first semi-coherent and sensible address of his presidency last week when he declared a national emergency as a result of the rampant coronavirus outbreak it was quickly clear that Donald didn’t have a whole lot to do with the actual construction of the speech.

As it turned out, Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared Kushner, put the whole COVID-19 response thing together for his daddy-in-law in what was undoubtedly an effort to prevent him from mucking it up even worse than he already has.

It seems that even Donald knew he needed some serious intervention.

But according to a new bombshell report from Vanity Fair penned by Gabriel Sherman, Daddy Donald isn’t all that impressed. He’s not impressed at all.

“With the markets in free fall despite emergency action by the Fed over the weekend, Trump is waking up to the reality that’s been clear to everyone: Coronavirus poses a once-in-a-hundred-years threat to the country,” the Vanity Fair report reads. “As Trump processes the stakes facing the country—and his presidency—he’s also lashing out at advisers, whom he blames for the White House’s inept and flat-footed response. Sources say a principal target of his anger is Jared Kushner.”

Included in the report is an interview Sherman conducted with a former West Wing official regarding Trump’s recent change in heart toward’s Ivanka’s husband.

“I have never heard so many people inside the White House openly discuss how pissed Trump is at Jared,” the former official revealed.

“Trump was also said to be angry that Kushner oversold Google’s coronavirus testing website when in fact the tech giant had a fledgling effort. Trump got slammed in the press for promoting the phantom Google product,” the report continued.

According to new reports, Kushner was the source behind Trump’s declarations that the virus wasn’t even a big deal, simply something the media was overhyping. Now that it’s biting him in the butt, Donald is rather unhappy with the fact that he believed him:

It’s beginning to seems as though Trump finally bit the bullet that is his over-inflated ego and passed the COVID-19 torch to someone else in hopes that they could save his ass. And now that it’s too little, too late for Donald, he’s blaming everyone but himself.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery

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