Social Media Responds After Trump Tells Farmers They’ve Never Had It So Good: “He Needs Constant Approval And Praise So Badly”

Mommy never loved him and daddy never approved.

619 points

If there’s anything that Donald Trump absolutely thrives on, it’s people telling him how great he is. For such an arrogant, pompous, narcissistic prick, he sure does have a deep-seated need for approval (perhaps because his mommy didn’t love him all that much.)

Yet, approval is something that Donald Trump rarely gets — often leaving him forced to fish for compliments so that he can go back to the White House feeling good about himself. And it doesn’t honestly take much for him. The entire world can be (and quite frankly is) full of disdain for the man. But so long as one or two people pat him on the back and tell him they like his hair and he’s a good lil’ president, Trump will walk out feeling completely vindicated.

So of course, as he addressed a room full of farmers in their rancher hats as he announced his new deal with the European Union to increase market access for U.S. ranchers, Donald didn’t miss an opportunity to wrangle himself up a compliment.

“These are indeed patriots,” Trump said to the guests gathered in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. “They’re always targeted first by other countries that try and take advantage of the United States. They’re the first to be targeted, but we take that target off their back.”

But he just couldn’t turn down the chance to make sure that everyone loved him for it.

“I think you’re pretty happy about all that, right?” he asked the farmers. “You’ve never seen anything like that happen before have you? Not with your other presidents, you haven’t.”

Which, translated from Trumpspeak, means “I’m the bestest president in the history of ever, right? You love me, don’t you? You really, really do? Pinky swear? Tell me I’m the best.”

It didn’t take long at all for Twitter to share their many, many thoughts on Trump’s blatant need for approval:

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