Stunning Price Tag Of Trump’s Golf Trips Are Revealed, Makes Cost Of Mueller’s Investigation Look Non-Existent

This is going to blow up in Trump's face.

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Donald Trump has been trying to do everything he can to make Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation look bad so he can shut it down. Trump has lied repeatedly to the American people about the investigation, calling it a “witch hunt,” and even claiming that America had already spent far too much money on the investigation. But as usual, the truth always blows up in Trump’s face.

One of Trump’s complaints about Mueller’s investigation is that it’s too expensive — which is a pathetic lie considering what we know now. Reuters has reported on the latest DOJ data, which states that the Mueller investigation has cost about $25 million. This not only blows up Trump’s lies about Mueller’s investigation being way more expensive than it actually is, but it pales in comparison to the amount of money that Trump’s golf vacations are costing taxpayers — which comes with the hefty price tag of $83 million! Reuters reported:

The U.S. Justice Department has spent a total of $25.2 million on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia from its start in May 2017 through September 2018, according to the latest public data released on Friday.”

Trump had recently tried to tell America that Mueller’s investigation was costing $40 million, which was clearly a lie:

It is absolutely insane that Trump’s leisurely activities — which happen almost every weekend — are way more expensive than a major investigation. Trump is squeezing the wallets of taxpayers dry and trying to make someone who is actually seeking justice look bad by telling lies. In actuality, while Trump has cost taxpayers nearly $100 million, Mueller’s investigation has actually turned a profit of about $17 million. CNBC reported:

Mueller may have also paid for his own investigation. That’s because, as part of his plea deal with the special counsel, Manafort agreed to forfeit real estate and cash estimated to be worth between $42 million and $46 million.”

How is Trump going to spin this one now?

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