Ted Cruz Seemingly Tried To Joke About His Infamous Cancun Trip While Texans Face Another Brutal Storm, And It Backfired Miserably: “I’m Sure This Joke Will Keep Your Constituents Warm”

Bad move, bro.

678 points

Cancun’s finest is at it yet again, folks, and this time he’s really… Really stuck his foot in his mouth.

As none of us will ever soon forget, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz found himself at the center of some serious and highly-deserved controversy last winter when his state was hammered with a catastrophic winter storm that’s extremely uncharacteristic for the area, and a power grid that wasn’t worth its weight in salt, only for their senator to whisk his family away on an impromptu Cancun vacation while literally hundreds of his constituents died in the bitter cold.

The backlash against the GOP lawmaker was quick and intense, especially after leaked text messages from his wife confirmed that the trip was an impromptu getaway from the frigid conditions and collapsed power grid, ultimately leading Cruz to scuttle back to the US with his tail between his legs about as fast as he headed south in the first place. But, it was too late for the senator.

It’s been over a year now and no one is soon to forget or forgive Ted Cruz for literally abandoning his people when they needed him the most. But apparently, Ted thinks it’s all water under the bridge now, even as his state currently faces down yet another similarly brutal winter storm. So much so, in fact, that he’s cracking jokes about it.

Taking to his Twitter at the same point in time his constituents braced for another life-threatening storm, Cruz complained, “Inflation is out of control!” He went on to list his gripes including gas, food, and lumber prices, all followed by an upwards pointing arrow to indicate their costs have gone up.

Cruz concluded the already tone-deaf tweet by writing, “And tickets to Cancun are up 32%!”

It’s clear that the Texas senator thought he was being edgy and witty with that extra little quip about Cancun thrown in at the end there. But as you’d expect, his joke wasn’t well received. At all.

Twitter users instantly ripped Cruz to shreds:

In what world was that funny, sir?

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