Ted Cruz’s Former Speech Writer Issued A Stark Warning About The GOP Senator’s “Radicalization,” And It Was Absolutely Chilling

We should heed this warning.

620 points

Not long ago, we watched Texas Republican Senator and Cancun’s finest visitor Ted Cruz effectively get his ass handed to him by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, after Cruz dared to refer to the January 6th Capitol riot as exactly what it was — “a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol.”

Cruz’s “sloppy and frankly dumb” comment (as he personally described it) earned him a public lashing on Carlson’s Fox segment, where he essentially groveled at the Fox host’s feet while Carlson attacked and lambasted him on national television.

And now, Cruz’s own former speechwriter has spoken out with a deeply dire warning about why her former boss’ “abject humiliation” by Carlson over his comments about the January 6th riot is cause for very serious concern when it comes to the direction the Republican party is rapidly heading in.

Amanda Carpenter penned a sobering piece in The Bulwark recently, in which she highlighted how Cruz’s groveling, pathetic behavior is a clear-cut example of just how far the GOP has fallen from grace since Donald Trump’s fateful election win in 2016.

“Every last member of the punditocracy has taken a turn dunking on the Texas senator whom everyone loves to hate. Hope they enjoyed it. Because once you really understand what Cruz is apologizing for, it’s not all that funny,” Carpenter, a Conservative herself, wrote. “The worst part of that interview wasn’t Cruz’s abject humiliation, but his radicalization. And yes, that’s saying something considering that Cruz was one of the leaders of the charge to object to the Electoral College count on January 6, 2021.”

She went on to pointedly note that her former boss could have easily defended his comments, but instead chose to essentially lick Tucker’s boots, wave his white flag, and allow the Fox News talking head to publicly flog and humiliate him.

“One has to ask why the Harvard- and Yale-educated Supreme Court lawyer didn’t stand his ground and defend himself. Rather, Cruz shifted into bargaining mode,” she penned, going on to explain, “I understand the urge to dunk on Cruz, what happened on Carlson’s show is more than just an example of Cruz’s weaselly pleading being worthy of a laugh. It’s ultimately not funny at all.”

Carpenter claimed in her piece that the man the world saw on Tucker Carlson’s show was not the man she once worked for.

“Cruz once strove to convey that he cared about justice and truth. He used to believe that violence was violence, and that the rule of law (and the rules of language) should be equally applied,” she states. “That’s no longer the case. What he did on Jan. 6th himself last year and what he said on Carlson’s show last week goes far beyond pandering.”

“Cruz’s humiliation is hardly the point. His radicalization is far more frightening,” she somberly wrote.

You can read her full piece here.

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
