Tim Walz Shows JD Vance How To Do A Photo Op With Genuine Human Interaction

569 points

Disclaimer: This article was first published on August 23, 2024

At a recent campaign stop in Nebraska, Tim Walz made sure to highlight his appreciation for local favorite, Runza, a beloved Nebraska sandwich chain. Walz enthusiastically discussed the bread consistency, the mushroom and Swiss combination, and how a trip to Nebraska isn’t complete without a stop at Runza. His relaxed, relatable attitude helped him connect with voters in a lighthearted way. This approach contrasted sharply with JD Vance’s donut shop visit, where Vance failed to create the same kind of genuine connection with locals.


While Walz’s visit had the casual charm of someone who genuinely appreciates the local culture, Vance’s felt staged, lacking the warmth and spontaneity that Walz exhibited. Walz’s off-the-cuff remarks about Runza and Nebraska football reflected an approach to campaigning that focuses on connecting with communities beyond the politics. In doing so, he highlighted his relatable, down-to-earth persona. Walz made it clear: if you’re visiting Nebraska, stopping at Runza isn’t just a treat—it’s a must-do for any “good person.”

This approach not only lightened the mood but also allowed Walz to humanize himself and his campaign, contrasting with Vance’s more rigid appearance. It’s a reminder that while policy matters, relatability and genuine connections with voters can make or break a campaign stop. Walz managed to elevate a simple sandwich shop visit into an opportunity to show voters he understands and respects local culture.

Featured Image via Screengrab

Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here: https://x.com/SheilaGouldman
