Trump Asks God For Protection From “Jungle Journalism,” Gets Pastor To Pray For Him During Bizarre Rally Moment

This is one of Trump's weirdest rally moments. Did he go too far?

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We’re still a few months from midterm elections, but already President Donald Trump’s rallies are getting out of control as he tries to “help” desperate GOP candidates.

Over the weekend, Trump gave a speech at a rally in the Ohio. While it was full of the president’s usual shenanigans where he talks mostly about himself and trashes anyone who dares to criticize him, one part of the rally came across as truly bizarre. At one point, a local pastor took the stage and prayed for Trump, begging God to protect him from “jungle journalism.” Pastor Gary Click said:

Tonight, I pray that You will protect our President and his family with a shield of faith, Lord, that shield of faith against the fiery darts of the wicked one, Lord, against that jungle journalism [that] extorts the truth and distorts honesty and integrity every single day [and] gets in his face with lies and mistruths and innuendos.”

Pastor Click also asked God to keep Trump safe from those “poisonous asps” that hide in the political swamps. The whole thing was on another level entirely, and quite creepy and inappropriate to be honest. You can watch a segment of Pastor Click’s prayer for Trump below:

It should go without saying that Trump took several jabs at the media, calling networks like MSNBC “disgusting” and “corrupt.” And of course, no Trump rally is complete without a “CNN sucks” chant these days.

Trump’s rallies are more like a cult meeting or circus than a political event. There’s barely any talk about policy or important issues. It’s really just a place for Trump to talk about himself and bash his opponents. The GOP candidates he is supposed to be helping will barely be remembered at these rallies, as the president continuously upstages them. When the Democrats win the midterms, Trump will be a large part of the reason why.

Featured image via screen capture
