Trump Camp Issues Gross Brag About His Supporters “Braving The Heat” For Him At Rally That Hospitalized 11 People With Heat Exhaustion

11 people were hospitalized as a result of this rally.

627 points

Just when we thought we couldn’t possibly be any more disgusted by Donald Trump than we already were, the former president’s team recently released a new issue of the former president’s Palm Beach Playbook newsletter, in which Trump Camp brags about the turnout of people willing to “brave the heat” for him at his recent Arizona rally — the very same rally where at least 11 people ended up literally hospitalized with heat exhaustion and/or heat stroke.

“That’s an enthusiasm that Joe Biden will never see,” Trump’s recent newsletter update reads, boasting of the throngs of people gathered on the unshaded concrete in genuinely sweltering, dangerous heat levels just to hear him ramble like an addled idiot for more than an hour. “That’s the enthusiasm Americans have to Make America Great Again!”

He, of course, made not even a brief mention of the 11 people who collapsed at that event and had to be hospitalized due to severe symptoms of heat-related medical problems.

Phoenix National Weather Service reported temperatures of 110 degrees Fahrenheit on the day of Trump’s Pheonix, AZ, rally, with the temps later tying the daily record high of 111 degrees set in 2016.

Multiple videos and photos shared across social media showed rallygoers fainting, requiring medical attention, and even being carted out on stretchers.

Local ABC 15 reporter Ben Brown posted a clip of what appeared to be an elderly woman on a stretcher, with the caption, “Another one being carted out on a stretcher at Trump rally … this marks at least six people from what we can likely assume is the heat.”

Yet, Trump and his team just… Don’t seem to care.

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Not only did the former president and his camp essentially brag about almost killing his own voters with the heat, the 2024 presumptive Republican nominee and his campaign people set up precisely zero measures to try to prevent this from happening in the first place — no water stations or cooling tents or even a place for attendees to find some shade. Rather, Donald is just touting his own supporters’ suffering as “enthusiasm” for how much they love him.

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
