Trump Cut Off By Fox Host During Interview As He Claims Cops Use Lethal Force Because They “Choke”: “Just Like At A Golf Tournament, They Miss A Three-Foot…”

He was gonna say it...

650 points

Since the very beginning days of the Trump reign of terror in this country, the current “president” has made it strikingly clear where his loyalty lies — and it’s not with the American public that he swore to serve and protect when he took office nearly four years ago. Or, at least, not all of us anyway.

Trump has a way of picking and choosing the people in this nation that he wants to protect and serve and has a tendency to not just ignore the rest of us in the dust, but actively go out of his way to cause us pain and suffering — because that’s what people who long to be a dictator do.

In case you haven’t picked up on his blatant “hints” over these last four years, the predominantly white police force that’s willing to do his bidding in exchange for the ability to proudly display their racism in the most deadly way possible is one of Donald’s top picks.

Now that the country is in a state of complete unrest due to numerous instances of white police officers killing black men and women in cold blood, it’s left Trump trying to toe what’s undoubtedly an uncomfortable line for him.

Frankly, Donald would never want to outright criticize the police force in this nation, but there comes a point where even his own people start to give him the side-eye when innocent black men are shot in the back seven times simply for trying to get into their car.

So, Trump’s gotta come up with something, right?

In a one-on-one interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham tonight, Donald tried his hand at toeing that line by saying that sometimes police officers just “snap.” However, the comparison he tried to draw was too much for even Ingraham, it seemed.

During the interview, Trump rambled on about the way police officers sometimes just lose it before starting to compare a law enforcement officer that uses unnecessary lethal force to a golfer that misses a three-foot putt — it was then that Fox host actually cut Trump off.

“They choke. Just like in a golf tournament, they miss a three-foot…” Trump began.

Ingraham quickly interjected, saying, “You’re not comparing it to golf because, of course, because that’s what the media…”

Trump fumbled and tried to correct saying “No” before gearing back into his theory of people just “choking” under pressure.

Nice try, Laura. But the “media” already got it. And there’s no saving that.

You can watch the clip here:

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