Trump Humiliated After Arnold Palmer’s Daughter Revealed What Her Father Really Thought About Ex-President

"He’s not as smart as we thought he was"

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Arnold Palmer, widely regarded as a symbol of sportsmanship and decency, left a lasting impact not only on the world of golf but also on how we perceive character. Revered for his integrity, humility, and genuine connection with people, Palmer was a figure who commanded respect both on and off the course. But how did Palmer view Donald Trump, a man who also has deep ties to the world of golf, but whose persona couldn’t be more different? According to his daughter, Peg Palmer, the legendary golfer was appalled by Trump, particularly during his 2016 presidential campaign.

Palmer’s Disgust for Trump’s Crudeness

In a 2020 interview, Peg Palmer revealed that her father’s impression of Trump was far from favorable. She recalled a specific moment during the 2016 election when her father expressed his disapproval of Trump’s behavior:

“My dad made a sound of disgust — like ‘uck’ or ‘ugg’ — like he couldn’t believe the arrogance and crudeness of this man who was the nominee of the political party that he believed in,” Peg Palmer told The Sporting News. “Then he said, ‘He’s not as smart as we thought he was.’”

Arnold Palmer, who was known for his sense of discipline, honesty, and civility, found Trump’s conduct to be the antithesis of the values he held dear. Peg explained that her father had “no patience for people who are dishonest and cheat,” and he could not tolerate the lack of character Trump displayed during his campaign.

Palmer’s daughter made it clear that her father was deeply disappointed in Trump’s rise to political prominence. The golfing icon, who had interacted with Trump in golf-related events, became increasingly appalled by what he perceived as Trump’s dishonesty and arrogance. As Peg pointed out, Arnold Palmer didn’t like people who acted like they were better than others, and this made Trump’s persona particularly grating.

Trump’s Disdain for Civility

The clash between Palmer’s values and Trump’s persona is a telling reflection of the cultural and political divide. Palmer, a conservative by most measures, chose to keep his political opinions largely private, believing that public figures should avoid grandstanding about their views. This contrasts sharply with Trump’s brash style, where he openly dismisses norms of civility and frequently hurls insults at political opponents.

Palmer’s relationship with political figures, especially presidents, was built on mutual respect. For instance, his friendship with President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a reflection of Palmer’s ability to connect with people across the political spectrum, regardless of their position. But Trump’s lack of respect for civility was too much for Palmer to overlook.

The Smithsonian explains the relationship between Palmer and Eisenhower HERE:

Palmer first met Eisenhower in 1958 at an event at Laurel Valley Golf Club near Palmer’s home in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. The two began playing together regularly after Palmer won the U.S. Open in 1960. From there, they formed a true bond, though Palmer was Ike’s junior by 39 years.

“After that first encounter at Augusta in 1960, our meetings on the golf course became more frequent and our playing companionship deepened into a genuine friendship that, for me at least, eclipsed any relationship I’d ever had with an older man besides my father,” Palmer writes in his biography A Golfer’s Life“He loved to hear me talk about tour life, and I loved to hear him reminisce about his wartime experiences and reflect on current events.”

Top 3 Bizarre Trump Moments on PoliNews

Trump is no stranger to controversy, and PoliNews has highlighted several instances where the former president’s words or actions have baffled many. Here are three of the most notable stories where Trump said something truly bizarre:

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  1. Trump’s Mental Decline Appears To Hit A New Low As He Fixates On Arnold Palmer’s Anatomy Size During Rally Speech
    In this shocking moment, Trump took an unexpected and downright strange turn during a rally, choosing to focus on the size of Arnold Palmer’s anatomy—a comment that left audiences scratching their heads.
  2. Trump Goes On Fox, Claims Murdoch Should Ban Negative Ads In Last-Ditch Power Play For Victory
    As his political struggles mounted, Trump made a last-ditch effort to control the media by urging Rupert Murdoch to ban negative ads about him on Fox News. The desperate plea was widely criticized and mocked for its blatant disregard for media freedom.
  3. Trump Draws Applause During Barber Shop Visit, But Social Media Accuses Him Of A ‘Scripted’ Photo-Op
    Another bizarre moment came when Trump made an appearance at a barbershop, but the overly clean setting and the interactions led many to suspect that the whole event was staged. Despite the applause he received, social media users were quick to call out the apparent lack of authenticity.

Palmer’s Legacy and Values

Arnold Palmer’s legacy is more than just his golf achievements. He stood as a symbol of humility, decency, and hard work. His reputation as “The King” wasn’t just because of his performance on the course; it was because of the way he carried himself. He valued relationships, integrity, and civility—traits that clearly influenced his reaction to Trump.

Palmer’s daughter’s revelation serves as a powerful reminder that character still matters. Even someone as accomplished as Trump, who had once shared the golf course with Palmer, could not gain the golf legend’s respect due to his lack of discipline and honesty.

The stark contrast between Arnold Palmer’s values and Donald Trump’s behavior speaks to a larger divide within American society. For Palmer, being a role model was paramount. As Peg Palmer put it, her father “was disciplined” and wanted to set a positive example. Trump, on the other hand, seemed to embrace the exact opposite, reveling in controversy and crudeness.

In the end, it’s clear that Arnold Palmer would not have supported Trump, despite their shared connection to golf. For a man who built a career on integrity, there was simply no place for the dishonesty and arrogance that Trump represented. Palmer’s legacy lives on, not just in the world of golf, but as a beacon of decency in a time when such values are increasingly under attack.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery

Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here:
