Trump Just Sent Americans His First Presidential Text, Regrets It Immediately

Everyone will remember this as the worst text of 2018.

571 points

Most Americans are frustrated enough that we are being bombarded by Donald Trump’s nonstop tweets, but the president has found a way to make it so that even those who block him cannot drown him out.

A lot of people in this country are currently complaining that getting unwanted messages from the president is unconstitutional, but that hasn’t stopped The Donald one bit. Today, at 2:18 pm eastern, every American with a smartphone got the “privilege” of receiving a text message as part of Trump’s new presidential alerts.

The purpose of this terrible message was so that a new alert system could be tested, which Trump intends to use to warn Americans of a “crisis.” Although, considering just how unhinged Trump is, this alert system could go off multiple times per week as the insane POTUS finds something to explode about almost every day, sending the country into a panic.

While we don’t know why someone on Trump’s team didn’t tell the president this was a horrible idea and put an end to it, Americans are making it perfectly clear that they do NOT want Trump’s presidential alerts on their phone. Just take a look at some of these responses, and it’s easy to see that Trump’s plan for reaching more people has backfired tremendously:

Featured image via Gage Skidmore / Flickr
