Trump Makes Fun Of Asylum Seekers In Unhinged Speech, Compares Them To UFC Fighters

I cannot believe this just happened.

572 points

Donald Trump has been known to say extremely insensitive things and do inappropriate imitations of people. It’s something his rabid followers expect from him and something that more civilized Americans are no longer surprised to see – but sometimes even Trump can cross his own line.

Earlier today, Trump gave a highly offensive speech before the Republican Jewish Coalition. Not only did the president make anti-Semitic remarks during this speech, but he made a horrific mockery out of people who were running for their lives. At one point, the president made fun of asylum seekers and actually compared them to UFC fighters. Trump said:

The asylum program is a scam. Some of the roughest people that you’ve ever seen. People that look like they should be fighting for the UFC. They read a little page given by lawyers that are all over the place. They tell them what to say. You look at this guy, you say, wow, that’s a tough cookie.”

He then did a disgusting imitation that should cause the GOP to permanently denounce him due to his insensitivity:

I am very fearful for my life. I am very worried that will be accosted. No, no. He’ll do the accosting. Asylum, oh, give him asylum, he’s afraid! He’s afraid! We don’t love the fact that he’s got tattoos on his face, that’s not a good sign. We don’t love the fact that he’s carrying the flag of Honduras, Guatemala or El Salvador only to say he’s petrified of his country.”

It’s something you need to see for yourself to get the full effect, and if this doesn’t infuriate you I don’t know what will:

Featured image via screen capture
