Trump Once Said Some States Allow Babies To Be Born In Ninth Month: “It Is Wrong. It Has To Change.”

Wait, WHAT?

598 points

Donald Trump can do no wrong in the eyes of his evangelical right-wing base. The former reality show star was pro-choice before he ran for office. Suddenly, Trump is pro-life with a vengeance. Or, rather, we should say that he is insanely pro-life, and his crowd of sycophantic supporters eat up his words even when he’s not making sense.

Remember when Dr. Ronny Jackson announced that Trump doesn’t have cognitive issues because he passed a 10-minute test? Well, we beg to differ after hearing the president’s speech in the Rose Garden that was streamed live to the March for Life crowd on the National Mall in 2018.

After bashing Roe vs. Wade, Trump came out in full opposition to women giving birth in the ninth month of pregnancy.

“Right now in a number of states, the laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother’s womb in the ninth month. It is wrong,” Trump said at the time. “It has to change.”


The Internet reacted in disbelief.

Thanks for your input, President Crazy Pants. Now, if he’s talking about an abortion procedure during the ninth month, there’s no such thing — so either way, he’s insane and so are the people behind him nodding their heads in agreement.

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