Trump Shows Disturbing Behavior During Intelligence Briefings, This Is Dangerous For Our Country

WTF is he doing?!

578 points

Donald Trump has never been one to pay attention during briefings (or even care to attend them), but the president’s recent behavior during intelligence briefings should startle and worry every American.

It’s bad enough that staff have been forced to reduce briefing reports to bullet points to keep up with Trump’s toddler-like attention span. Trump has also been skipping briefings altogether in favor of tweeting and watching Fox News during his “executive time.” And now, as per a report by the New York Times, the president is completely uninterested in intelligence briefings about terrorist attacks.

The NYT reported that Trump had been warned by briefers about hacking from Russia and China, but Trump doesn’t give a sh*t. The NYT wrote:

In an effort to accommodate President Trump, who has attacked them publicly as ‘naïve’ and in need of going ‘back to school,’ the nation’s intelligence agencies have revamped their presentations to focus on subjects their No. 1 customer wants to hear about — economics and trade.”

Intelligence officers have stated that he doesn’t care about people being hurt, he only cares about who is winning and getting a financial advantage. Quoting career CIA official Douglas H. Wise, the NYT wrote:

If Trump tailors it to his needs, that is fine and his prerogative. However, if he suppresses intelligence through that tailoring, that is not helpful. He is no longer making informed decisions because he is making decisions based on information he could have had but didn’t have.”

The fact that Trump is showing indifference to details about potential terrorist attacks or spy work in America is terrifying. Time and time again, we’ve seen the president humiliate this country by not knowing what the f*ck’s going on. And still, the president still hasn’t learned that it is his responsibility to protect and work in the best interest of the United States. He only cares about one thing — himself.

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