Trump Takes Rage-Fueled Aim At The US Legal System After Judge’s New Ruling Implicated The Ex-President In Potential Criminal Activity

Trump really isn't taking well to the news.

627 points

As Donald Trump’s scandal and peril mount with each passing day at this point, it seems one particular new ruling has sent the former guy toppling over the edge and running desperately to his fake Twitter social media platform to issue a rage-fueled attack against this nation’s legal system as a whole.

The scandal-ridden, washed-up, has-been former president was already fresh and hot off his brutally failed special counsel Durham Probe robe of the FBI’s investigation into his 2016 campaign’s collusion with Russian contacts — which, of course, he didn’t fail to also thoroughly rage about in a Truth Social post after the circus show of an investigation failed to actually convict a single soul. But it seems his mood went even sourer still when he learned that U.S. District Judge David O. Carter delivered an absolutely explosive ruling, determining that a total of eight emails exchanged between Donald Trump and one-time Trump lawyer John Eastman are, in fact, not privileged material as Donald was undoubtedly hoping they’d be, as the communications contain evidence of a crime or criminal activity.

Following the damning ruling, Trump nearly flew to Truth Social, where he proceeded to effectively lose his mind:

Who’s this Clinton appointed ‘Judge,’ David Carter, who keeps saying, and sending to all, very nasty, wrong, and ill informed statements about me on rulings, or a case (whatever!), currently going on in California, that I know nothing about – nor am I represented. With that being said, please explain to this partisan hack that the Presidential Election of 2020 was Rigged and Stolen. Also, he shouldn’t be making statements about me until he understands the facts, which he doesn’t!”

The hearing Trump is raging about this afternoon pertained to whether or not emails exchanged between Eastman and Trump, in which the attorney was giving the now-former president legal advice, would ultimately be turned over to the January 6th House Select Committee to further aid in their ongoing investigation into the deadly Capitol insurrection.

Judge Carter ultimately reviewed approximately 500 emails that were exchanged between Eastman and Trump and of that number, only deemed 8 of them unprotected by attorney-client privilege. It doesn’t sound like much but the notable part is the fact that those 8 emails were not protected, because they stood subject to the crime-fraud exception — a regulation that disallows attorneys from keeping legal advice confidential if they are giving their client advice on how to commit a crime. This, in turn, serves to implicate not only John Eastman but ex-President Donald Trump in potentially criminal activity.

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