Trump Thinks Americans Are Stupid, Tries To Backpedal, Says He Was Actually “Sticking Up” For Biden During Foreign Trip

Is this for real?!

602 points

Donald Trump has had an eventful four days in Japan. He made an ass out of himself at a sumo wrestling match when he wouldn’t sit on the floor, he made an ass out of himself when he wished Japanese troops on a fighter ship a “Happy Memorial Day,” and he made an ass out of himself when he gifted Japan’s new emperor with an autographed photo of himself.

But to top things off, Trump broke an unspoken rule that says you leave the political bullshit at home when you’re on foreign soil when he tweeted praise for North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and simultaneously bashed Democratic hopeful Joe Biden while still visiting in Japan.

Biden, being at least a decent human being, abided by the rule and waited until Trump was back on US soil before delivering his clapback. But you best believe, he struck back the moment it was appropriate — his campaign released a statement in response to the president’s comments:

“The President’s comments are beneath the dignity of the office. To be on foreign soil, on Memorial Day, and to side repeatedly with a murderous dictator against a fellow American and former Vice President speaks for itself. And it’s part of a pattern of embracing autocrats at the expense of our institutions — whether taking Putin’s word at face value in Helsinki or exchanging ‘love letters’ with Kim Jong Un.”

Now apparently, this really hurt Donnie’s feelings, so he took to Twitter to whine about it, claiming that he was actually “sticking up” for Biden — Because Kim called him a “low IQ idiot” but he only called him a “low IQ individual” which according to the president is “much softer.”

Of course, this is idiotic enough in and of itself. But what makes it that much richer is the fact that Trump literally gave a statement yesterday while still in Japan, claiming that Kim in fact called Biden a “low IQ individual” and that he agreed with him.

So, either he just lied to Twitter, or he lied to Japan. Not that we’d be surprised either way.

I just feel pretty damn bad for his kids and wife if this is his definition of “sticking up” for someone.

Featured image via Political Tribune Gallery
