Trump Told Supporters He “Sold Tens Of Thousands Of Tickets” To His Rally, But Tickets Were Actually Free

The base eats this stuff up!

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There are actually a lot of things that Donald Trump is concerned about on a daily basis — the size of his hands, the neon factor of his hair, whether his shoe lifts make him look fat, and how Vladimir Putin is hanging over there in Russia. But one thing he’s certainly not ever concerned with is telling the truth.

And now that he’s just wrapped up another thinly-veiled KKK rally, we thought it’d be a good time to remind you of just how big a liar he really is.

Donald recently held a 2020 re-election rally in Cincinnati, Ohio and the lies flowed forth from his mouth like Old Faithful at Yellowstone — just with a lot less beauty and a lot more bullshit.

As he riled the crowd up at the US Bank Arena, Trump took the opportunity to brag to his followers that he always keeps his ticket prices low. Yet, the funny thing is, his events don’t cost a dime to attend.

“I’ll tell you what this is some crowd, some turnout,” Donald exclaimed. He even went so far as to claim that the turnout was so good that he asked security if folks could sit on the aisle stairs to watch the rally.

“We’ve sold tens of thousands of tickets, and you know what the sale price is, we keep it nice and low. We keep it nice and low,” he continued.

However, like most of Trump’s events, there was no cost associated with tickets to get into his Cincinnati rally. All supporters had to do was register online and their tickets were sent directly to their email address or phone — cost-free.

Now of course, sometimes people scalp tickets to the president’s events, with some 2016 election event tickets going online for upwards of $200. But Donald doesn’t have shit to do with those tickets or the prices that are set by the person selling them.

“But there has never been a movement like this,” Trump continued at his rally, referencing the support he receives from his racist, nationalist, and alt-right base. “This is a movement the likes of which they’ve never seen before, maybe anywhere, but certainly in this country.”

So, according to him, he keeps his ticket prices low and he’s the best president to ever president anywhere, ever. Both of which are big, fat lies.

You can watch the clip here:

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