Trump’s Speech To Army Football Team Goes Terribly Wrong, POTUS Makes A Complete Fool Of Himself

Trump is SUCH an idiot!

574 points

Everyone knows that Donald Trump has this major inferiority complex when it comes to former president Barack Obama. This is in part because Obama actually WAS and IS a far better man and leader than Trump could ever hope to be, but also because Trump just cannot stand to see a black man be more loved, respected, and successful than he is. And as many of us are aware, one of Trump’s first orders of business was to do away with any Obama policy he could — sometimes to try and bring it back so he could take credit for it later.

Trump has tried to take credit for several Obama policies and accomplishments in the past, and today he humiliated himself by trying to do it again. While delivering a speech in front of the Army football team, the president actually tried to take credit for an Obama policy that he ended during the beginning of his presidency.

Betsy Klein reported that Trump was considering a waiver to service academy athletes who can play professionally:

Interestingly enough, this was an Obama policy that Trump killed:

Trump is obviously hoping that no one remembers this, and it might have worked for his gullible supporters — but it won’t work for the majority of Americans. This truly proves that the only reason Trump got rid of this policy (which he is now saying is “a great idea”) was that it was Obama’s.

Featured image via screen capture
