Tucker Carlson Reportedly “Told Some Guests On His Fox News Show” That He Didn’t Even Vote For Trump In 2020 And Insider Wonders If He Was Joking


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UPDATE: Since publishing this article the Daily Caller has deleted all trace of reporting on this topic, though it is unclear why. POLITICO’s report of the matter remains up.




Tucker Carlson has found himself in the news more than he’s been “reporting” it here lately with all his insane, baseless claims that the National Security Administration has been spying on him as if anyone gives a damn about what a late-night Fox News talking head is up to — something Donald Trump didn’t waste any time in defending Tucker on.

However, once the ex-president gets wind of this new news regarding one of the few folks at Fox News he can still tolerate, he may soon be whistling a different dixie because it looks like Tucker Carlson may not have voted for his old pal Donald Trump.

POLITICO reports that Carlson has apparently been telling some of his Fox News guests that, despite publicly plugging the ex-president, he actually voted for Kanye West in the 2020 presidential election; though, of the two sources the publication spoke to regarding the matter, one did say that they were unsure whether or not the Fox News host was joking.

Apparently, the sources took Carlson’s revelation as proof of his independence and ability to think for himself.

“It’s his way of saying that he’s not just another Trumpette at Fox News like Sean Hannity,” one source told POLITICO, referencing Carlson’s fellow primetime host with the network.

An additional source who allegedly knows Carlson said that the Fox host had announced well before the 2020 election that he would be voting for the mentally unstable rapper and former Kardashian spouse.

“He and Kanye get along,” the source said. “They both regularly find themselves in the crosshairs. They’re both pro-life.”

Voter records seen by POLITICO show that Carlson voted in person in the 2020 presidential election in the state of Florida, despite splitting his time between the Red southern state and the northern state of Maine.

West nor his “birthday party” were actually on the ballot in Florida, only appearing on 12 states’ ballots altogether after failing to register for the rest in time. That means that any write-ins featuring his name in the state of Florida were invalid. However, election officials said that there were eight invalid write-in votes in the district where Carlson voted, which means the Fox host could have definitely been one of them.

Carlson has been on friendly terms with both of the former presidential candidates but was certainly extra vocal in his public support of Donald Trump. However, it seems he maybe wasn’t so big on The Donald when it came to him actually being president.

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