Watch Jen Psaki Brutally Destroy Anti-Abortion Reporter Who Won’t Stop Screaming Nasty “Pro-Life” Questions At Her

You should know better by now, dude.

601 points

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki may soon be leaving her position in the Biden administration, with her successor Karine Jean-Pierre soon to come in as the nation’s very first Black and openly gay press secretary, but that does not mean she’s about to put up with anyone’s nonsense on her way out.

Psaki has been well-known for her poise, grace, and fierceness both in and out of the White House press briefing room. And she reminded us all of that this week when she was essentially harassed by an anti-abortion reporter (who she’s had trouble with before) amid the leak of the Supreme Court opinion draft that could serve to abolish the landmark Roe V. Wade decision that allowed women to make informed decisions on their own body with regard to abortion.

During a briefing this week, Psaki allowed EWTN reporter Owen Jensen to ask not one, but two questions on the topic before she attempted to move another to another White House correspondent. But, in a habit that this “Pro-Life” jackass has perfected, he continued to shout rather disgusting questions at the press secretary, despite the fact that other people were trying to talk and ask their questions.

Jensen tried to pull a fast one and took advantage of a pause as incoming Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre handed the podium back to Psaki while the “Pro-Life” reporter tried to interject with both a question and a follow-up.

Psaki allowed him his moment but tried to move on with the briefing after answering both his questions. But apparently, that just wasn’t even for Jensen as he continued to shout questions like “Is anyone in the administration looking out for the unborn child?” as others tried to talk and participate in the briefing. Eventually, Psaki was forced to completely shut him down, stating, “I think I’ve taken two questions from you so I’m going to take a question over here. Go ahead,” as Jensen shouted, “No, no, no.”

You can watch the confrontation right here:

