Watch Lauren Boebert Throw A Temper Tantrum After Getting Called Out To Her Face On Her Biggest Scandal Ever

She was NOT happy.

600 points

Lauren Boebert just can’t seem to escape her never-ending scandal, no matter where she goes, and she’s really not happy about it…

The controversial Colorado Republican House Representative has been the subject of many a click-worthy headline in recent months, as it seems all of her nonsense started to catch up to her all at once and quickly cracked her already shakey facade of attempting to make people believe that she’s actually a good and decent God-fearing, family-loving woman.

The scandal spread throughout the entire Boebert family — as her eldest teen son had a baby out of wedlock and then turned around and got arrested for literally robbing people, she went through a nasty and highly publicized divorce that resulted in physical altercations and restraining orders, and the dirty past of not just herself but her now ex-husband came crawling back to revisit her in the midst of it all.

But perhaps the most notable of the United States congresswoman’s publicized scandals was the now-infamous Beetlejuice fiasco.

In case you somehow missed it, Lauren Boebert was kicked out of a Denver playhouse in September of last year for essentially just behaving like the absolute trash that she is.

Officials with Denver Arts & Venues confirmed at the time that two patrons were escorted from their showing of the Beetlejuice touring Broadway show for “causing a disturbance.”

It quickly came to light, thanks to security footage from the venue, that those two aforementioned people were, in fact, CO Congresswoman Lauren Boebert and her date for the evening, local bar owner and Democrat, Quinn Gallagher.

Not only did the damning footage show Boebert vaping, shouting, inappropriately using her cell phone, and engaging in truly obnoxious behavior with venue staff, addition footage appeared to show the congresswoman engaging in some moderate sexual contact with her date in the middle of the show — where literal children were present.

Of course, Lauren was quick to try to brush the whole ordeal off in the most blatant definition of a non-apology that I’ve ever seen and, in true Republican fashion, hoped that would be enough to quickly brush it all under the rug.

But it was no dice for Boebert.

People have been calling her out on her obnoxious behavior ever since — and she REALLY hates it.

This resulted in Lauren getting more than a little testy during her recent round of debates, as she prepares for the impending election in her new Colorado district after she made the desperate switch late last year when she realized she needed an even more devoutly Right-wing voter base if she stood even a snowball’s chance in Hell at keeping her job.

During the recent debate, the moderator did the Lord’s work when he called the Congresswoman out, right to her face, for not only what she did at that Denver theater, but for proceeding to literally lie to and gaslight the American public about what she did.

Suffice it to say, Lauren had one hell of a temper tantrum over the whole ordeal:

I certainly can’t predict the future but something tells me Lauren’s days are numbered at this point.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
