“We’re Reaping What We Sow”: Trump’s Ex-Aide Paints A Desolate Picture Of A Donald Trump Too Broke To Beat Biden

There's no way out for Donald Trump.

605 points

Let’s be frank here, Donald Trump’s third consecutive run at the White House is a hell of a lot less about actually returning to the White House and a hell of a lot more about his neck and neck race to keep his ass out of prison as literal dozens of investigations, trials, and criminal indictments close in on him.

But one former Trump aide is now speaking out to say the quiet part loud — the ex-president is spending literal millions to fight off his mounting legal troubles and it’s going to leave him far too broke to actually beat Joe Biden in the end.

This assessment comes from former Trump communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin in an appearance on CNN last night, where they spoke about the fact that Donald Trump’s campaign seems to be sinking like a rock, despite the fact that the scandal-plagued ex-president is still leading in polls.

Griffin was quick to lay the blame on Republican lawmakers who have largely enabled a man who will likely soon be a bonafide convict to become a GOP frontrunner in the upcoming election.

“The fault does lie with other elected Republicans for actually saying these cases were witch hunts,” she said. “For not coming out and telling the God’s honest truth that he mishandled classified documents or the truth about January 6.”

She went on to explain that despite the ever-growing mountain of damning evidence against the ex-president, there is a large part of Trump’s base that remains ever faithful and loyal, refusing to believe or accept that Donald Trump could do any wrong. Griffin explained that his “die-hard fans… think this is a witch hunt and they need to be with him.”

“So we are reaping what we’re sowing here,” Griffin said.

Reporting broke this week that the 91-time indicted former president dropped a staggering $50 million in legal fees in 2023 alone, something that Griffin feels will likely be the final nail in her former boss’ political coffin.

“So he’s entering the general election not with the money he needs to win,” the former Trump aide stated.

Donald Trump is clearly trapped in the worst catch-22 of his life here, and there’s no way out.

Watch the clip of the CNN interview here:

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
