Willie Nelson Breaks His Silence, Rips Trump Administration And Religious Right To Shreds

We will not stand idly by any longer!

586 points

Donald Trump’s harsh and cruel immigration policies have sparked outrage in citizens all across this nation, with many referring to our southern border as a humanitarian crisis. Considering children are being separated from their parents and forcibly detained in concentrations camps where they’re tortured, sick, and dying without access to so much as a toothbrush or a blanket,  it’s not an inaccurate assessment.

But it seems that Donald’s tyrannical policies have enraged a bigger voice in this country, and they’re using their massive platform to call Trump and his followers out on their bullshit.

Famed country singer Willie Nelson said in a statement first reported to Rolling Stone Country in which he’d admonished Donald Trump and his administration as well as his religious base for allowing such an atrocity to take place in our country.

“What’s going on at our southern border is outrageous,” Nelson stated. “Christians everywhere should be up in arms. What happened to ‘Bring us your tired and weak and we will make them strong?’ This is still the promise land.”

Willie’s statement quoted from the from his song “Living in the Promiseland” which was written by David Lynn Jones and recorded by Nelson on his 1986 album “The Promiseland.”

The lyrics, though dating back several years, mimic that which is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty and bear more importance today than they perhaps ever have:

“Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Nelson’s imploration of complacent Christian’s across the nation seems to be a response to Jeff Sessions’ recent bastardization of the scripture when he used biblical grounds to defend the inhuman, barbaric policies implemented by this administration.

Nelson isn’t the only one that called Sessions out on depreciating use of the Bible. Key members of his own United Methodist denomination accused him of justifying acts of child abuse.

The American public is catching on. And every day,  more and more people with huge platforms are using their clout to call this administration out on its cruelty. Your days are numbered, Donald.

Featured image via Instagram

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