Yale Physician Weighs In On Trump’s Stance, Says The Way He Stands “Is A Potential Neurological Sign, To Add To His Many Neurological Signs”

She's not wrong.

630 points

Yale psychologist Dr. Bandy X. Lee has previously called for a thorough neuropsychiatric evaluation of Donald Trump, and she has called him out on Twitter as well. Lee has been alerting us of Trump’s mental decline for some time now. The president’s behavior is so disturbing that most people can see that he needs help. If your uncle acted in the manner that Trump does, you’d have him put away for a rest somewhere with a psychiatrist at his disposal.

Donald Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery to honor the country’s fallen service members, and that was, of course, after he spent his morning shitposting on Twitter. Trump was seen swaying as if he couldn’t stand up straight, and the Internet noticed. Trump’s stance seems to have gotten worse ever since he broke into the White House was sworn in. The president’s upper body leans forward, leaving his feet awkwardly back a bit.

One of the signs of frontotemporal dementia is described as “problems with balance or movement,” so I just thought I’d throw that out there. I’m not a doctor; however, Lee is a professional in mental health, so she weighed in on Twitter, and added a photo of Trump’s bizarre stance.

“Some of you have asked about his stance,” she tweeted. “Yes, it is a potential neurological sign, to add to his many neurological signs.”

Lee serves as president of the World Mental Health Organization, and also authored the book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President, so she’s been observing the president for a while now.

This was Trump today trying to say words:

There’s something clearly wrong with Donald Trump, but he’s good at one thing: projection. During the campaign, Trump said Hillary Clinton “doesn’t have the stamina” to be president. Clinton, though, traveled 956,733 miles during her time as Secretary of State — while Trump needs a golfcart to haul him around to the links at his resorts. Trump is trying to do the same thing with presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, too. Sure, he’s made gaffes, but they pale in comparison to the things Trump has said. Because Trump’s abusive rhetoric isn’t a gaffe; it’s intentional.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery

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