The Infamous Dr. Fauci Broke His Silence On The Growing Concerns Surrounding Donald Trump’s Health And Medical Records Following Attack

Fauci has some thoughts.

627 points

American voters and experts alike have been raising a lot of questions, concerns, and speculations surrounding the apparent lack of transparency when it comes to Donald J. Trump’s injuries and medical records in the wake of the assassination attempt at his Pennsylvania rally last Saturday.

As we’re all aware, there was quite a bit of confusion surrounding what even injured the former president’s ear in the direct aftermath of the shooting — with speculations and reports ranging from broken teleprompter glass to a bonafide AR-15 bullet.

It has since been thoroughly confirmed, and even corroborated by the infamous Snopes, that Donald Trump was, in fact, grazed by a bullet on the top of his right ear.

However, people still rightfully have a lot of questions, especially considering that the Trump Campaign has issued a complete and total “communications lockdown” under threat of “immediate termination” for anyone found to be speaking on or off the record to the press about the shooting.

But now, none other than the famous Dr. Anthony Fauci has spoken out with his own thoughts on the matter.

Speaking with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Fauci said that when it comes to the Trump Campaign failing to publicly release any real information on the details of Trump’s treatment for his shooting injury, the former Chief Medical Advisor in the Trump White House said he really doesn’t “think there is much more to it.”

“It seems to have been a superficial wound to the ear, and that’s all,” Fauci told the CNN anchor.

Mediaite reported the following transcript of their discussion:

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BLITZER: What more does the public need to know about the extent of Donald Trump’s injuries and his treatment?

FAUCI: You know, I don’t think there is much more to it. I mean, from what we’ve seen and what we’ve heard, it was, it was a bullet shot that grazed his ear and injured his ear, according to the physicians who examined him. There was no other further damage.

So I think that with regard to the health related purely to the bullet itself, I think he’s he’s in the clear as far as I can see. I mean, it’s dangerous to make diagnoses from a distance from what I’m seeing, the way he’s acting now and what his physicians report saw. It seems to have been a superficial wound to the ear, and that’s all.

BLITZER: I just want to just read one line, from, chief medical correspondent. Doctor Sanjay Gupta who said this, and I’ll read it to you. This is, this is, Doctor Sanjay Gupta saying gunshot blast near the head can cause injuries that aren’t immediately noticeable, such as bleeding in or on the brain, damage to the inner ear, or even psychological trauma, as you know. He’s a neurosurgeon. What do you make of that?

FAUCI: Well, I mean, I know Sanjay’s a good friend. He’s got a good clinical judgment. He’s a practicing neurosurgeon. So, again, it’s very difficult from a distance when you’re not examining someone yourself to make any projection about it.

I’m just commenting on what I’m seeing superficially, I would imagine, Wolf, that his physicians did some studying. They very likely did an imaging study being a CT or an MRI or what have you. I don’t know that as a fact, but I would think that that would be a reasonable thing to do following an encounter the way he had with a bullet.”

It seems Fauci thinks Donald is just making a mountain out of a molehill. Imagine that…

You can watch their discussion here:

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
