Donald Trump Jr. And Eric Trump Slammed For ‘On-The-Nose’ Halloween Costumes In Spectacular Self-Own

This is hilarious.

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This Halloween, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump made headlines for their strange choice of costumes: they dressed up as garbage! The two sons of former President Donald Trump wore big black trash bags and topped them off with “Make America Great Again” hats. Instead of dressing up as fun monsters or spooky characters, they chose a trashy look that left many people shaking their heads.

This wild costume choice came after their father dressed up as a refuse collector during a campaign event. Don Jr. posted a picture of himself in the costume and wrote, “Embrace their hate and own it. Then VOTE!”

Many people on social media had a field day with their costume choice. One user, @ArtCandee, tweeted, “You dressed up as yourself.”

@KingMilkFart666 chimed in with, “This is not the own he thinks it is.” @SnarkyLibruhl 2.0 said, “Slapping the Trump name on garbage is… well, on brand.” @MaTTFLaMMaBLe joked, “First, they put tampons on their ears. Then, they slapped adult diapers on their rears. Now, they’re wrapping themselves in garbage bags. Maybe if we called them magicians, they’d all disappear.” And @sickofthis_nick commented, “That’s a little too on the nose for Don Jr, isn’t it?”

The Trump brothers appear to be living in their own world, believing that dressing up as trash is a cool thing to do. However, let’s be honest: Halloween is meant for spooky costumes, not for looking like you just crawled out of a dumpster!

While the Trump brothers were busy dressing up as trash, important issues were being ignored. For example, healthcare costs are rising, and this makes it hard for many Americans to get the care they need. Instead of focusing on these serious problems, the Trumps seem to think that dressing as garbage is a good way to connect with their supporters. But that’s not how it works!

Some Trump supporters think being “garbage” is something to be proud of. One funny comment said, “First, they put tampons on their ears. Then, they slapped adult diapers on their rears. Now, they’re wrapping themselves in garbage bags.” Don Jr. and Eric’s Halloween costumes show what is happening in the Republican party now. They focus on silly things instead of real problems. Instead of coming up with good ideas to help people, they seem more interested in getting attention and dressing like trash.

So while we can all laugh at the absurdity of these costumes, let’s not forget the serious stuff going on. There’s a lot more at stake than a few trash bags. We need to clean up the political landscape, one Halloween costume at a time!

Remember, Halloween is about ghosts, goblins, and maybe a little spookiness—not about dressing up like you belong in the garbage. Next year, maybe Don Jr. and Eric can come as something less… well, trashy. How about they go as heroes who actually care about the issues that matter? Now, that would be a costume worth voting for!

Featured image via Screengrab

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Terry Lawson

I'm Terry Lawson, a writer and editor from Alabama. For the past five years, I've worked as a ghostwriter for different companies, creating content that fits their needs. Right now, I work as an editor and political writer for Political Tribune, writing engaging articles. I enjoy writing and have strong skills in writing, editing, critical thinking, and project management. My work is driven by a love for storytelling and a focus on quality. You can find me on Twitter (X) at
