Disturbing CNN Report Confirmed Don Jr. Was Texting His Father’s Chief Of Staff Ideas For Overthrowing The 2020 Election Before It Was Even Called: “We Control Them All”

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In recently-exposed text messages, CNN revealed that just two mere days after the November 2020 election day, before votes had even been fully tallied or an official winner of the race called, Donald Trump’s eldest son and namesake, Don Jr., was sending text messages to his father’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows with ideas to ensure that his father secured a second term in the White House, even if it wasn’t rightfully his.

“We have operational control,” Junior allegedly said in a text message to Meadows, according to the bombshell CNN report. Junior was allegedly referring to the Republican majorities in the US Senate and swing state legislatures that he thought would help guarantee his father a second presidential term.

Junior floated the idea to Meadows of keeping his father in power by subverting the Electoral College process, according to the text messages that were obtained by the January 6th House Select Committee that is currently investigating the infamous Capitol riot, as well as Trump and other key players’ specific role in it.

“It’s very simple,” Trump’s eldest son reportedly said in a text to Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on November 5th, 2020. Later on, Junior would go on to add, “We have multiple paths We control them all.”

Trump Jr.’s attorney Alan S. Futerfas gave a statement to CNN with regard to the new report, saying, “After the election, Don received numerous messages from supporters and others. Given the date, this message likely originated from someone else and was forwarded.”

CNN reports, “The November 5 text message outlines a strategy that is nearly identical to what allies of the former President attempted to carry out in the months that followed. Trump Jr. makes specific reference to filing lawsuits and advocating recounts to prevent certain swing states from certifying their results, as well as having a handful of Republican state houses put forward slates of fake ‘Trump electors.'”

In Jr.’s texts, he noted that should all else fail, Republican Congresspeople could simply vote to reinstate his father to the president on January 6th, when they were supposed to be certifying the Electoral College votes in Joe Biden’s favor, as the rightful election winner, and the very same day of the infamous, violent attack at the Capitol.

“We have operational control Total leverage,” one of Junior’s messages to Meadows read. “Moral High Ground POTUS must start 2nd term now.”

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“The text from Trump Jr. is revealing on a number of levels. It shows how those closest to the former President were already exchanging ideas for how to overturn the election months before the January 6 insurrection – and before all the votes were even counted. It would be another two days before major news outlets declared Joe Biden the winner on November 7,” CNN reports.

“The text also adds to a growing body of evidence of how Trump’s inner circle was actively engaged in discussing how to challenge the election results.”

California federal judge David Carter asserted that ex-President Trump, along with conservative lawyer John Eastman, launched what he called an “unprecedented” vendetta to overthrow a United States democratic election, ultimately calling their actions “a coup in search of a legal theory.”

You can read the full report from CNN here.

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
