CNN Reports Melania Trump Was Busy Doing A Photo Shoot During Capitol Chaos

Why am I not surprised?

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As pro-Trump insurrectionists stormed and defamed our nation’s Capitol this week while Donald Trump apparently sat around and watched “enthusiastically” many people were wondering just what on earth Melania Trump was up to — given that no one seemed to hear a peep out of her.

But now it seems that CNN has done some digging to find out what the First Lady was up to as her husband’s supporters ripped our democracy to shred and I gotta say… It’s not all that surprising.

According to the CNN report, Melania Trump was busying herself with hosting a photoshoot during the Capitol riots — allegedly all for a book she’s hoping to hit the shelves with once she no longer calls the White House home.

As we’re all well aware, Donald Trump spent Wednesday at a “Stop the Steal” rally where he encouraged his people to protest at the nation’s Capitol, where the happily followed his orders and violently stormed the place later in the day, all while Melania was back at the White House holding a photoshoot in the East Wing of various items she seemingly wanted to be showcased in her book.

The report reads, “Professional lighting, the sort used for photography and videography, could be seen through the windows of the White House.”

Sources told CNN, “Photos were being taken of rugs and other items in the Executive Residence and the East Wing.” CNN added, “Trump — who, as CNN has reported, has expressed interest in writing a coffee table book about decorative objects she has amassed and had restored in the White House — was overseeing the photo project, said the source, with her remaining time in the White House dwindling.”

The report goes on to note, “Just blocks away, domestic terrorists were swarming the US Capitol in a riot that her husband had incited earlier that day at the rally. While images of the mob breaking into the Capitol consumed the airwaves, the first lady was focused — with the White House chief usher, Timothy Harleth — on getting the shoot completed.”

The Cut recently published a report alleging that “Trump is said to be toying with writing a photo-centric coffee table book about White House hospitality history, or one perhaps centered on the design projects she has completed while first lady, according to a source in the publishing industry familiar with preliminary discussions.”

You can read all about it here.

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