Disturbing Resurfaced Video Shows Lauren Boebert Calling Gun-Related Deaths In The US A “Drop In The Bucket” Compared To Abortions While Driving To Counterprotest CO Students Who Were Demanding An End To School Shootings

Jesus Christ...

712 points

It takes a genuine trashbag of a human being to make an entire personality trait out of counter-protesting literal children who do not want to be murdered by a crazed gunman while sitting in their classrooms. But if anyone can “pull it off,” it’s Lauren Boebert.

The Colorado Republican House Rep. has been making a whole entire ass out of herself since the moment she learned that 18-year-old high school dropout turned mass shooter, Salvador Ramos, entered Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, barricaded himself into a 4th-grade classroom, where he proceeded to shoot and kill 19 innocent children and 2 beautiful teachers right before the summer break.

She got herself into a little spat on Twitter with her Democratic New York colleague, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, after Boebert tried to assert that “You cannot legislate away evil” in response to heightened calls to action across the country for some sensible gun control and federal gun laws as children continue to get slaughtered in their classrooms.

To make it a little worse still, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “twinsie” had the absolute audacity to go on Fox News and compare the notion of gun control after a mass school shooting to the 9/11 tragedy, declaring, “When 9/11 happened, we didn’t ban planes. We secured the cockpit.”

But it still gets worse.

With all the mouth running Lauren has been doing over the last few days, an old 2018 video of the soon-to-be baby congresswoman has been uncovered and is now making the rounds all over social media. In the clip, Boebert, who’s nothing but a nobody at that point, is seen ranting into her phone’s camera as she makes a 40-mile drive to counterprotest Colorado students who were demanding an end to school shootings.

During her car rant, the woman who would go on to serve in US Congress just two short years later looks dead into the camera and states that the gun-related deaths in the US are a “drop in the bucket” compared to the “lives” that are lost to abortion in this country every year.

I am not joking, I wish I were.

“There’s supposedly an organized march, The March For Our Lives, that’s going to take place, and I’m not happy about it,” Lauren says into the phone as she explains where she’s headed.

“If this really is a March For Our Lives, let’s march against abortion because I was looking at statistics and there are nearly 1 million abortions per year in America. One million.”

She then explains that statistics at the time apparently had gun-related deaths in the US pegged at about 15,000 per year, which she called a “drop in the bucket” in comparison to abortion rates.

She then compares the government forcing her to wear her seatbelt to why she should be allowed to pack a 9mm around everywhere.

You really can’t make this shit up if you tried.

You can see the clip here:

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