Don Jr. Appears “Triggered,” Believes Romney Should Be Thrown Out Of The GOP

It sure sounds like Junior wants Romney's 'head on a pike.'

568 points

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) shocked both sides of the aisle on Wednesday when he announced his decision to convict Donald J. Trump in his Senate impeachment trial. Romney knew he would feel the full force of the MAGA army, saying, “In some quarters I will be vehemently denounced. I’m sure to hear abuse from the president and his supporters. Does anyone seriously believe that I would consent to these consequences other than from an inescapable conviction that my oath before God demanded it of me?”

Mitt fucking Romney, of all people, appears to be the only Senate Republican with a spine.

Just as Romney predicted, Trump supporters immediately started a “#RecallRomney” hashtag, then Donnie Jr. took to Twitter to say the Utah Republican “should be expelled from the GOP.”

Yeah, how dare Romney uphold his oath to the Constitution and God, instead of pledging undying loyalty to the newly impeached president. It sure sounds like Junior wants Romney’s head on a pike.

Twitter users piled in.

The Republican-led Senate is expected to acquit trump of the charges on Wednesday evening after the party voted last week to bring the trial to an end without additional witnesses or documents. Romney just made Trump’s impeachment a bipartisan effort. History won’t look fondly on Trump and his enablers, but Mitt Romney will be remembered well. Junior isn’t bright enough to know that he can’t expel Romney from identifying as a Republican.

The Utah Republican could be removed from committees — but he’ll still have his dignity intact.

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