Don Jr. Mocked For Bragging That His Dad Is The “Youngest Viable Candidate” In The Race: “The Youngest Yet The Only One In Diapers”

If Don Jr. were capable of being regretful he would regret this pathetic attack.

622 points

Donald Trump Jr. had the gall to snipe at Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Vice President Joe Biden for being older than his dad in the wake of Super Tuesday, drawing loads of ridicule and mockery on Twitter.

As it becomes clearer that Sanders and Biden are the top candidates in the Democratic primary left standing who have a path to the nomination, Trump Jr. decided to focus on their ages.

Sanders is 78-years-old while Biden is 77. Either would become the oldest president ever elected if they beat Trump in November.

Don Jr. bragged that his dad is younger than both of them and that he supposedly has more energy.

The problem is that Trump is 73 and was the oldest president ever elected to the office when he won in 2016. If age were a barrier to being elected, his dad should not be president right now because Hillary Clinton is a year younger than him.

As for energy, Trump is the laziest president we’ve ever had. Most of his day is spent watching television and tweeting during “executive time” and when he isn’t doing that he is on a golf course, which he traverses in a golf cart.

Twitter users fired back with their own notes on Trump’s energy and viability as a candidate.

Neither Trump nor his children have any business accusing other candidates of being “unfit” for the presidency, especially since Trump still has not completed a physical he began in November. He lives on fast-food so much that White House physicians have to sneak veggies into his mashed potatoes to get him to eat something healthy.

At this point, it does not matter how old the Democratic candidate is because even a decaying corpse would be a better president than Trump right now.

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