During WH’s First Press Briefing In Over A Year, Kayleigh McEnany Vows To “Never Lie To You”

Girl, you just told your first lie as press secretary.

587 points

The revolving door at the White House has been extremely busy since Donald Trump took office, and the individuals who filled the position for press secretary have been nothing short of a joke. That brings us to Kayleigh McEnany, who is the most recent hire, and she’s a perfect fit for this administration. During her first press briefing on Friday, McEnany said, “I will never lie to you. You have my word on that,” which is ironic since, like her boss, she has a long history of lying.

Her lies are coming back at her something fierce. Like that time she said, “This president will always put America first, he will always protect American citizens,” McEnany said during a Fox News interview at the time. “We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here, we will not see terrorism come here. And isn’t that refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President Obama?”

So, here’s girlfriend saying she will never lie to us:

And here’s the Internet curb-stomping McEnany:

Unsurprisingly, just after McEnany promised to never lie, Donald Trump’s new press secretary lied several times. So now America has another paid liar to speak to the media, and the country, to update us on what’s going on in this administration. McEnany’s first press conference was a shit show, and we’re in for more of them. And doesn’t it make you feel fantastic that we, the taxpayers, afford her an excellent salary?

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