Eric Trump Had The Audacity To Call Joe Biden And Kamala Harris “Lazy,” And Seemed To Forget How Much Time His Father Spent Golfing

Oh, dear Lord.

625 points

In February of 2019, it was revealed that then-President Donald Trump spent around 60% of his scheduled time over 3 months in unstructured “Executive Time.” Trump, during his presidency, spent a good chunk of his time playing golf, hate-watching the news on TV, and of course, tweeting. Trump is a lazy git. In fact, when faced with his biggest battle, the coronavirus pandemic, he surrendered without even putting up a fight. President Joe Biden played golf once during his first 100 days in office. In contrast, Trump went to the golf course 19 times over the same period.

However, projectionist Eric Trump said that President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are “lazy” compared to his father, according to Newsweek. Eric also blamed Biden for the hike in gas prices, even though that’s easy to debunk.

“I think they’re lazy,” Trump said. “I think they lack motivation. I think they lack the charisma to do what my father did.

“My father was on a plane every single day. He was literally going somewhere every single day, and where are these two?” Eric asked. “Why don’t you ever hear from them?”

“They’re not giving press conferences,” he continued, even though Trump’s White House spent 300 straight days without giving a press briefing while the former guy was in office. “They’re not going out in the Rose Garden like my father was. They aren’t doing press conferences as they’re getting on Air Force One. They’re not traveling anywhere. I mean, there just seems like there’s a vacuum in Washington. There’s no energy. There’s no speed. There’s no desire to actually fix these problems, and that’s depressing,” he continued.

“People are seeing the mess that these people are making of this country right now; they’re seeing how bad these policies are,” Eric said.

“As all of it unravels, these people who might not have liked a little mean tweet once in a while – or might not have liked somebody who was less PC from personality standpoint – are actually kind of recoiling and saying, ‘you know what, on second thought, that man was actually incredibly effective for this country versus what we have right now,'” he said.

“And I think what it’s going to lead to in 2022 is going to be incredible,” he insisted. “I think what it’s gonna lead to in 2024 is going to be something very special. I don’t think it’s the last you’ve seen of Trump, to say the least.”

Well, of course, it’s not the last we’ll see of former President Bloaty McBatshit. After all, he’s planning to start holding rallies again, even though he lost the presidential race over six months ago. And the Mar-a-Lago unemployed vacationer is running a crappy blog now. He’s super busy! Meanwhile, Biden and Harris will continue to clean up the apocalyptic mess the previous administration left behind.

Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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