Former Trump Organization Executive Thinks That CFO Allen Weisselberg Has Probably Already Flipped On Donald Trump

Buckle up, Donald.

607 points

The former daughter-in-law of longtime Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg turned over a trove of documents to Cy Vance Jr.’s office that could contain the kind of information that might get Weisselberg in a fuckton of trouble. Allen Weisselberg has described himself as the “eyes and ears” of the Trump Organization, so he knows where the bodies are buried. The question is, would Weisselberg give up his fancy pants’ lifestyle to cover for the twice impeached one-term former president whose company is under criminal investigation? I doubt it.

Former Trump Organization executive Barbara Res said that believes that Weisselberg has already flipped on Trump during an appearance on MSNBC with Ari Melber.

“I think Weisselberg is very concerned about his kids,” Res said. “I think that what they’re doing is the kind of thing they did with [disgraced retired Lt. Gen. Michael] Flynn. Remember his kid? I don’t think Weisselberg will let his son go to jail. So that’s what he’s doing.”

Melber weighed in to say that even though Weisselberg was a Trump employee, he has a family that he needs to take care of.

“Ultimately is not the right word. In my opinion, this was all a done deal, before, beforehand,” Res said. Same thing anywhere else. She made it clear. However, she didn’t have any inside information; it was just her opinion and theory after knowing Weisselberg.”

“This is my opinion. I don’t know the facts, but I do know Donald, and I have seen him operate, and I have seen the organization operate,” she continued. “Weisselberg has evolved into a different person. I don’t know exactly where he’s at now, but I knew who he was. He bowed to Donald Trump.”

Res said that while everyone else at the Trump Organization called the former president “Donald,” Weisselberg always referred to him as “Mr. Trump.”

“So, he adores Donald Trump, and that Trump knows and has relied on as has trusted and he’s probably the only trusted party left other than family,” Res said. “But you put Allen Weisselberg, and like you said, everyone has a heart, I would question about that when it comes to Donald, and I mean that. But Weisselberg will not — he will not go to jail, and he will not let his children be thrown under the bus, so to speak. Because there is no pardon coming down the road. The only thing that Trump has to offer right now is money, and I don’t know that money would pay off jail time.”


Trump doesn’t have a family that loves him, but Weisselberg does. I think he’s going to flip so fast, Trump’s eyes will be rolling around like dice in his head. And Trump is no longer protected by the presidency. Tick tock, Mr. Trump.

Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr, under Creative Commons license 2.0/screen capture

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