Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro Abruptly Ended Her Network Segment When Her Guest Said That President Joe Biden Is “Making America Great Again”


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Folks, President Joe Biden is doing fantastic with just two months in office under his belt, and the people at Trump-loving, Right-wing Fox News really don’t want to hear about it.

Yesterday, Fox News host, Jeanine Pirro found herself so exasperated with a guest who was laying the Biden praise on thick, that she literally abruptly cut the interview off and dismissed her guest.

During the segment, Pirro was speaking with immigration attorney David Leopold and things quickly took a hostile turn when the conversation turned to the number of migrants who have shown up at the U.S.-Mexico border since Biden became president, in comparison to the biggest surges in Trump’s term.

“Jeanine, just because you say my numbers are wrong, doesn’t mean they’re wrong,” Leopold blistered.

Pirro was quick to shoot back, “No. They’re facts. These are the facts.”

But Leopold wasn’t having any of it, “They are not facts. Very few things I heard on this show tonight have been facts.” (We’ve been waiting for someone to say this on Fox News for literal ages now.)

Since becoming president, Biden and his administration have been trying to work through a surge in migrants after many of Trump’s cruel policies were reversed.

Republicans have, of course, attacked Biden for the surge and laid the blame on his reversal of Trump-era policies. However, Leopold used his time on Pirro’s show to accuse the GOP of using the surge in migrants to deflect and distract from the $1.9 trillion pandemic relief plan that was passed by Democrats without a single vote of support from Republicans.

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“President Biden kept his promise. He’s putting COVID relief out there. He’s making America better,” Leopold stated, adding, “He’s making America great again.”

Leopold’s use of Donald Trump’s infamous slogan seemed to be the final straw for a vexed Pirro, resulting in a minor blow-up before she abruptly ended the segment.

“I’m stopping you right now,” Pirro said with an attitude. “I don’t tolerate lies on my shows. He’s bringing COVID into this country after Americans weren’t allowed to go to work, go to church, visit families, or go to funerals… David Leopold, thanks for being here, and thanks for nothing.”

You can watch the clip here:

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
