Inside Sources Revealed The Alleged “Only Person Melania Trusts,” Wants Back In The Trump WH To Help Her Feel “Protected” And You’ll Never Believe Who It Is

This certainly is not what I expected.

648 points

As the 2024 presidential election rapidly approaches and scandal-plagued, indicted ex-President Donald Trump centers himself as the presumptive Republican nominee (thanks in large part to his hijacking of the Republican National Committee), speculations are beginning to swirl about the individuals that may end up filling Trump’s Cabinet, should his attempt at a White House return prove successful.

Recently, Puck News spoke with sources and took a deep dive into the array of possibilities — such as Steve Bannon, Kevin McCarthy, and Marjorie Taylor Greene — all of whom are, of course, staunchly devout MAGA loyalists, something that will be certainly be a requirement among his inner circle, as reports have indicated that Trump is searching for his 2028 MAGA successor.

However, tucked away in the paragraphs of Puck News’ extensive op-ed was a particular tidbit about Melania’s Cabinet preferences, should her husband successfully return to the White House for another four years.

According to sources that Puck allegedly spoke with, there is apparently one particular person that Melania Trump hopes to see in her husband’s possible 2024 White House — and it is far from who we expected.

The report reads:

Along with the professional jockeying for starched-collar, status-affirming roles, is the more personal maneuvering of allies into soft-power positions, such as aides and advisers to the president. I’ve heard, for instance, that there’s been a strong push from Melania Trump to bring Kellyanne Conway back into the fold. Sure, she has a Fox News gig and a lucrative polling business, but Melania, I’m told, is eager to surround herself with loyalists from the first campaign. ‘Melania trusts her,’ said a source close to the family. Melania ‘feels like she isn’t being protected. She is unhappy; that’s why she didn’t go out on Super Tuesday. Kellyanne is the only person Melania trusts.'”

Frankly, a Kellyanne Conway X Melania Trump cross-up was not on my 2024 bingo card.

The report goes on to add, with regard to Conway: “Trump also sees her value to him on the outside, especially given his complicated and occasionally icy relationship with Fox News. Conway still advises him, and has been helpful with corralling the donor class. At one point, Conway was being considered for R.N.C. co-chair (the job that ultimately went to Lara Trump) and may yet join the campaign. On the campaign and inside the White House, however, Conway would serve multiple purposes—including keeping Jared Kushner at a distance. Kushner, for his part, has thus far kept himself at a distance from the Trump campaign, and is not expected to join the administration. Ivanka, too, has been working painstakingly to extricate herself from her father’s orbit. ”

You can find the full report from Puck News here.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
